Beggining Bakers Guide: For anyone *kneading* some pointers on baking.

Now a-days, when we're all home (or at least should be), we seem to have a bit of extra time on our hands. What better way to spen that time than to look into new hobbies! If your here reading this, you've probably considered baking as a new investment and, as promised by the title, want some tips and tricks to get started. You have definitly come to a good place. I personally have been baking A TON in the past few months and have learned so much. In this blog i will be sharing my knowledge in hopes that you find it helpful. Without further a-do: lets get to it!!!


1. Start Out Simple: just as with any other skill, things take time to handle. When starting out its a good idea to start simple, try tackling things like box cake/cupcake mix first to get the hang of things like your oven and other tools. If your confident in your ability to handle mixing tools (like a hand mixer or a stand mixer), you can try things like cookies or other cream based items.[note: When i say cream based items it is not in referance to cream as in ingredient but cream as in the result of creaming butter and sugar. Creaming means to mix softened butter and sugar(s) to create a fluffy mixture that bases deserts like cookies.]

2. Recipies: When it comes to baking, it is quite litterally a science and like science experiments, you need specific measurments to get specific results. Luckily- there are many talented bakers who have online blogs and recipie books for you to have access to. Using these recipies can be useful in so many ways. such as- you have the process and materials already mapped out; online reveiws of the recipies can teach you a lot about adjustments; blog recipies often have tips for the recipie with it; among other benefits.

3. Tools: as you become a more experienced baker, your repitoir of tools will expand. Similar to some of our favorite celebs., your journey will probably have a humble and maybe even tough begining. The first tools i reccomend for a begginer baker are; a set of measuring tools, a set of measuring cups, a liquid measuring cup, and a hand mixer. These tools by themselves will get you pretty far and when you start getting into specific things you can then get other tools. For example- recently i wated to start making scones and so i decided to purcase a pastry cutter. These tools arent the only ones you'll need. In the beggining i reccomend you get small amounts of- unsalted butter, flour, sugar, brown sugar, chocolate chips, baking soda, baking powder, and vanilla extract. With these you can make chocolate chip cookies, muffins, and a few others.